BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//The 51黑料 - ECPv6.8.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:The 51黑料 X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for The 51黑料 REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/Vienna BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 TZNAME:CEST DTSTART:20250330T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:CET DTSTART:20251026T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250411 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250412 DTSTAMP:20250314T081815 CREATED:20200607T110834Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241029T133014Z UID:15688-1744329600-1744415999@www.51黑料.at SUMMARY:Spring Midterm Reporting DESCRIPTION:Written by R.A. Patrick \nEarly Saturday morning\, 16 of our聽students with RAs Abby and Patrick embarked on an overnight trip to visit Vienna\, explore the city and\, of course\, the amazing Christmas markets. \n\nWe arrived to Vienna around 12 noon on Saturday to beautiful blue skies and sun shining down on the wonderful Austrian capital. We quickly dropped our bags at the hotel and hustled off to Rathausplatz for ice-skating and shopping at the Christmas market. The students had a blast flying around on the ice\, shopping for gifts and souvenirs\, and indulging in some of the sweet holiday treats found at any number of the impressive stands in the plaza.聽 \n\nLater that evening\, we headed off to the famous Prater Amusement Park for a group dinner and more fun adventures. The students were in awe as they sat for dinner inside the aptly-named Roller Coaster Restaurant聽watching the food and drinks literally transport itself along the intricate rail system inside the establishment all the way from the robot-operated kitchen to the table.聽 \n\nAfter a delicious dinner the kids set out to enjoy the rides and attractions filling the park grounds. Some of the group took in a magnificent panorama view of the city atop the tower ride while others bravely entered the house of horrors or rode rollercoasters on the cool December night.聽 \n\nOn Sunday morning the adventures continued as we travelled over to Stephensplatz where the students spent a bit of time on their own checking out the gorgeous architecture and numerous cafes and chocolate shops. Then we entered the Time Travel Vienna tour where we experienced a virtual\, interactive\, 4D historical journey of Vienna through the Dark Ages to the present day. We heard from Kaiser Franz Joseph\, Mozart\, Sissy\, and a plethora of other revered Viennese legends as we learned about the city.聽 \n\nIn the afternoon we sluggishly arrived at the train station with bags in hand\, tired but with big smiles on our faces\, ready to return to Salzburg for some much-needed rest from all the festivities.聽 \n\n聽 URL:/event/spring-midterm-reporting/ CATEGORIES:Academic Calendar ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/IMG_9160-copy.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Vienna:20250412T080000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Vienna:20250427T170000 DTSTAMP:20250314T081815 CREATED:20230302T074940Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241029T133139Z UID:21240-1744444800-1745773200@www.51黑料.at SUMMARY:Spring Break DESCRIPTION:Written by R.A. Patrick \nEarly Saturday morning\, 16 of our聽students with RAs Abby and Patrick embarked on an overnight trip to visit Vienna\, explore the city and\, of course\, the amazing Christmas markets. \n\nWe arrived to Vienna around 12 noon on Saturday to beautiful blue skies and sun shining down on the wonderful Austrian capital. We quickly dropped our bags at the hotel and hustled off to Rathausplatz for ice-skating and shopping at the Christmas market. The students had a blast flying around on the ice\, shopping for gifts and souvenirs\, and indulging in some of the sweet holiday treats found at any number of the impressive stands in the plaza.聽 \n\nLater that evening\, we headed off to the famous Prater Amusement Park for a group dinner and more fun adventures. The students were in awe as they sat for dinner inside the aptly-named Roller Coaster Restaurant聽watching the food and drinks literally transport itself along the intricate rail system inside the establishment all the way from the robot-operated kitchen to the table.聽 \n\nAfter a delicious dinner the kids set out to enjoy the rides and attractions filling the park grounds. Some of the group took in a magnificent panorama view of the city atop the tower ride while others bravely entered the house of horrors or rode rollercoasters on the cool December night.聽 \n\nOn Sunday morning the adventures continued as we travelled over to Stephensplatz where the students spent a bit of time on their own checking out the gorgeous architecture and numerous cafes and chocolate shops. Then we entered the Time Travel Vienna tour where we experienced a virtual\, interactive\, 4D historical journey of Vienna through the Dark Ages to the present day. We heard from Kaiser Franz Joseph\, Mozart\, Sissy\, and a plethora of other revered Viennese legends as we learned about the city.聽 \n\nIn the afternoon we sluggishly arrived at the train station with bags in hand\, tired but with big smiles on our faces\, ready to return to Salzburg for some much-needed rest from all the festivities.聽 \n\n聽 URL:/event/spring-break-2/ CATEGORIES:Academic Calendar ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Backyard-VB-e1677743368565.jpeg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250501 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250502 DTSTAMP:20250314T081815 CREATED:20210429T064202Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241029T133703Z UID:17511-1746057600-1746143999@www.51黑料.at SUMMARY:Sports Day DESCRIPTION:Written by R.A. Patrick \nEarly Saturday morning\, 16 of our聽students with RAs Abby and Patrick embarked on an overnight trip to visit Vienna\, explore the city and\, of course\, the amazing Christmas markets. \n\nWe arrived to Vienna around 12 noon on Saturday to beautiful blue skies and sun shining down on the wonderful Austrian capital. We quickly dropped our bags at the hotel and hustled off to Rathausplatz for ice-skating and shopping at the Christmas market. The students had a blast flying around on the ice\, shopping for gifts and souvenirs\, and indulging in some of the sweet holiday treats found at any number of the impressive stands in the plaza.聽 \n\nLater that evening\, we headed off to the famous Prater Amusement Park for a group dinner and more fun adventures. The students were in awe as they sat for dinner inside the aptly-named Roller Coaster Restaurant聽watching the food and drinks literally transport itself along the intricate rail system inside the establishment all the way from the robot-operated kitchen to the table.聽 \n\nAfter a delicious dinner the kids set out to enjoy the rides and attractions filling the park grounds. Some of the group took in a magnificent panorama view of the city atop the tower ride while others bravely entered the house of horrors or rode rollercoasters on the cool December night.聽 \n\nOn Sunday morning the adventures continued as we travelled over to Stephensplatz where the students spent a bit of time on their own checking out the gorgeous architecture and numerous cafes and chocolate shops. Then we entered the Time Travel Vienna tour where we experienced a virtual\, interactive\, 4D historical journey of Vienna through the Dark Ages to the present day. We heard from Kaiser Franz Joseph\, Mozart\, Sissy\, and a plethora of other revered Viennese legends as we learned about the city.聽 \n\nIn the afternoon we sluggishly arrived at the train station with bags in hand\, tired but with big smiles on our faces\, ready to return to Salzburg for some much-needed rest from all the festivities.聽 \n\n聽 URL:/event/sports-day/ CATEGORIES:School Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Sports-day-champs-e1591615928561.jpeg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250505 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250517 DTSTAMP:20250314T081815 CREATED:20220207T124531Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241029T133211Z UID:19296-1746403200-1747439999@www.51黑料.at SUMMARY:Advanced Placement Examinations at 51黑料 DESCRIPTION:Written by R.A. Patrick \nEarly Saturday morning\, 16 of our聽students with RAs Abby and Patrick embarked on an overnight trip to visit Vienna\, explore the city and\, of course\, the amazing Christmas markets. \n\nWe arrived to Vienna around 12 noon on Saturday to beautiful blue skies and sun shining down on the wonderful Austrian capital. We quickly dropped our bags at the hotel and hustled off to Rathausplatz for ice-skating and shopping at the Christmas market. The students had a blast flying around on the ice\, shopping for gifts and souvenirs\, and indulging in some of the sweet holiday treats found at any number of the impressive stands in the plaza.聽 \n\nLater that evening\, we headed off to the famous Prater Amusement Park for a group dinner and more fun adventures. The students were in awe as they sat for dinner inside the aptly-named Roller Coaster Restaurant聽watching the food and drinks literally transport itself along the intricate rail system inside the establishment all the way from the robot-operated kitchen to the table.聽 \n\nAfter a delicious dinner the kids set out to enjoy the rides and attractions filling the park grounds. Some of the group took in a magnificent panorama view of the city atop the tower ride while others bravely entered the house of horrors or rode rollercoasters on the cool December night.聽 \n\nOn Sunday morning the adventures continued as we travelled over to Stephensplatz where the students spent a bit of time on their own checking out the gorgeous architecture and numerous cafes and chocolate shops. Then we entered the Time Travel Vienna tour where we experienced a virtual\, interactive\, 4D historical journey of Vienna through the Dark Ages to the present day. We heard from Kaiser Franz Joseph\, Mozart\, Sissy\, and a plethora of other revered Viennese legends as we learned about the city.聽 \n\nIn the afternoon we sluggishly arrived at the train station with bags in hand\, tired but with big smiles on our faces\, ready to return to Salzburg for some much-needed rest from all the festivities.聽 \n\n聽 URL:/event/advanced-placement-examinations-at-51黑料/ CATEGORIES:School Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/SAT.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Vienna:20250515T160000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Vienna:20250515T180000 DTSTAMP:20250314T081815 CREATED:20200607T115230Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241029T133257Z UID:15696-1747324800-1747332000@www.51黑料.at SUMMARY:Annual Awards Ceremony DESCRIPTION:Written by R.A. Patrick \nEarly Saturday morning\, 16 of our聽students with RAs Abby and Patrick embarked on an overnight trip to visit Vienna\, explore the city and\, of course\, the amazing Christmas markets. \n\nWe arrived to Vienna around 12 noon on Saturday to beautiful blue skies and sun shining down on the wonderful Austrian capital. We quickly dropped our bags at the hotel and hustled off to Rathausplatz for ice-skating and shopping at the Christmas market. The students had a blast flying around on the ice\, shopping for gifts and souvenirs\, and indulging in some of the sweet holiday treats found at any number of the impressive stands in the plaza.聽 \n\nLater that evening\, we headed off to the famous Prater Amusement Park for a group dinner and more fun adventures. The students were in awe as they sat for dinner inside the aptly-named Roller Coaster Restaurant聽watching the food and drinks literally transport itself along the intricate rail system inside the establishment all the way from the robot-operated kitchen to the table.聽 \n\nAfter a delicious dinner the kids set out to enjoy the rides and attractions filling the park grounds. Some of the group took in a magnificent panorama view of the city atop the tower ride while others bravely entered the house of horrors or rode rollercoasters on the cool December night.聽 \n\nOn Sunday morning the adventures continued as we travelled over to Stephensplatz where the students spent a bit of time on their own checking out the gorgeous architecture and numerous cafes and chocolate shops. Then we entered the Time Travel Vienna tour where we experienced a virtual\, interactive\, 4D historical journey of Vienna through the Dark Ages to the present day. We heard from Kaiser Franz Joseph\, Mozart\, Sissy\, and a plethora of other revered Viennese legends as we learned about the city.聽 \n\nIn the afternoon we sluggishly arrived at the train station with bags in hand\, tired but with big smiles on our faces\, ready to return to Salzburg for some much-needed rest from all the festivities.聽 \n\n聽 URL:/event/annual-awards-ceremony/ CATEGORIES:Award Ceremonies,School Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/IMG_8581-scaled-e1591530738930.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Vienna:20250522T150000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Vienna:20250522T163000 DTSTAMP:20250314T081815 CREATED:20200607T124834Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241029T133356Z UID:15702-1747926000-1747931400@www.51黑料.at SUMMARY:Commencement DESCRIPTION:Written by R.A. Patrick \nEarly Saturday morning\, 16 of our聽students with RAs Abby and Patrick embarked on an overnight trip to visit Vienna\, explore the city and\, of course\, the amazing Christmas markets. \n\nWe arrived to Vienna around 12 noon on Saturday to beautiful blue skies and sun shining down on the wonderful Austrian capital. We quickly dropped our bags at the hotel and hustled off to Rathausplatz for ice-skating and shopping at the Christmas market. The students had a blast flying around on the ice\, shopping for gifts and souvenirs\, and indulging in some of the sweet holiday treats found at any number of the impressive stands in the plaza.聽 \n\nLater that evening\, we headed off to the famous Prater Amusement Park for a group dinner and more fun adventures. The students were in awe as they sat for dinner inside the aptly-named Roller Coaster Restaurant聽watching the food and drinks literally transport itself along the intricate rail system inside the establishment all the way from the robot-operated kitchen to the table.聽 \n\nAfter a delicious dinner the kids set out to enjoy the rides and attractions filling the park grounds. Some of the group took in a magnificent panorama view of the city atop the tower ride while others bravely entered the house of horrors or rode rollercoasters on the cool December night.聽 \n\nOn Sunday morning the adventures continued as we travelled over to Stephensplatz where the students spent a bit of time on their own checking out the gorgeous architecture and numerous cafes and chocolate shops. Then we entered the Time Travel Vienna tour where we experienced a virtual\, interactive\, 4D historical journey of Vienna through the Dark Ages to the present day. We heard from Kaiser Franz Joseph\, Mozart\, Sissy\, and a plethora of other revered Viennese legends as we learned about the city.聽 \n\nIn the afternoon we sluggishly arrived at the train station with bags in hand\, tired but with big smiles on our faces\, ready to return to Salzburg for some much-needed rest from all the festivities.聽 \n\n聽 URL:/event/commencement-2022/ LOCATION:Schloss Kle脙鸥heim\, Kle脙鸥heim 1C\, 5071 Wals\, Salzburg\, Austria CATEGORIES:Graduation,School Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/IMG_7524-copy.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250523 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250524 DTSTAMP:20250314T081815 CREATED:20200607T191426Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241029T133058Z UID:15709-1747958400-1748044799@www.51黑料.at SUMMARY:End of Spring Trimester DESCRIPTION:Written by R.A. Patrick \nEarly Saturday morning\, 16 of our聽students with RAs Abby and Patrick embarked on an overnight trip to visit Vienna\, explore the city and\, of course\, the amazing Christmas markets. \n\nWe arrived to Vienna around 12 noon on Saturday to beautiful blue skies and sun shining down on the wonderful Austrian capital. We quickly dropped our bags at the hotel and hustled off to Rathausplatz for ice-skating and shopping at the Christmas market. The students had a blast flying around on the ice\, shopping for gifts and souvenirs\, and indulging in some of the sweet holiday treats found at any number of the impressive stands in the plaza.聽 \n\nLater that evening\, we headed off to the famous Prater Amusement Park for a group dinner and more fun adventures. The students were in awe as they sat for dinner inside the aptly-named Roller Coaster Restaurant聽watching the food and drinks literally transport itself along the intricate rail system inside the establishment all the way from the robot-operated kitchen to the table.聽 \n\nAfter a delicious dinner the kids set out to enjoy the rides and attractions filling the park grounds. Some of the group took in a magnificent panorama view of the city atop the tower ride while others bravely entered the house of horrors or rode rollercoasters on the cool December night.聽 \n\nOn Sunday morning the adventures continued as we travelled over to Stephensplatz where the students spent a bit of time on their own checking out the gorgeous architecture and numerous cafes and chocolate shops. Then we entered the Time Travel Vienna tour where we experienced a virtual\, interactive\, 4D historical journey of Vienna through the Dark Ages to the present day. We heard from Kaiser Franz Joseph\, Mozart\, Sissy\, and a plethora of other revered Viennese legends as we learned about the city.聽 \n\nIn the afternoon we sluggishly arrived at the train station with bags in hand\, tired but with big smiles on our faces\, ready to return to Salzburg for some much-needed rest from all the festivities.聽 \n\n聽 URL:/event/end-of-spring-trimester-2/ CATEGORIES:Academic Calendar ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Backyard-VB-e1677743368565.jpeg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250523 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250524 DTSTAMP:20250314T081815 CREATED:20200607T192123Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241029T133524Z UID:15711-1747958400-1748044799@www.51黑料.at SUMMARY:Junior High Students Depart DESCRIPTION:Written by R.A. Patrick \nEarly Saturday morning\, 16 of our聽students with RAs Abby and Patrick embarked on an overnight trip to visit Vienna\, explore the city and\, of course\, the amazing Christmas markets. \n\nWe arrived to Vienna around 12 noon on Saturday to beautiful blue skies and sun shining down on the wonderful Austrian capital. We quickly dropped our bags at the hotel and hustled off to Rathausplatz for ice-skating and shopping at the Christmas market. The students had a blast flying around on the ice\, shopping for gifts and souvenirs\, and indulging in some of the sweet holiday treats found at any number of the impressive stands in the plaza.聽 \n\nLater that evening\, we headed off to the famous Prater Amusement Park for a group dinner and more fun adventures. The students were in awe as they sat for dinner inside the aptly-named Roller Coaster Restaurant聽watching the food and drinks literally transport itself along the intricate rail system inside the establishment all the way from the robot-operated kitchen to the table.聽 \n\nAfter a delicious dinner the kids set out to enjoy the rides and attractions filling the park grounds. Some of the group took in a magnificent panorama view of the city atop the tower ride while others bravely entered the house of horrors or rode rollercoasters on the cool December night.聽 \n\nOn Sunday morning the adventures continued as we travelled over to Stephensplatz where the students spent a bit of time on their own checking out the gorgeous architecture and numerous cafes and chocolate shops. Then we entered the Time Travel Vienna tour where we experienced a virtual\, interactive\, 4D historical journey of Vienna through the Dark Ages to the present day. We heard from Kaiser Franz Joseph\, Mozart\, Sissy\, and a plethora of other revered Viennese legends as we learned about the city.聽 \n\nIn the afternoon we sluggishly arrived at the train station with bags in hand\, tired but with big smiles on our faces\, ready to return to Salzburg for some much-needed rest from all the festivities.聽 \n\n聽 URL:/event/junior-high-students-depart/ CATEGORIES:Academic Calendar ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/IMG_9825-scaled-e1677744746385.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250526 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250530 DTSTAMP:20250314T081815 CREATED:20200607T192325Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241029T133434Z UID:15713-1748217600-1748563199@www.51黑料.at SUMMARY:Final Examinations DESCRIPTION:Written by R.A. Patrick \nEarly Saturday morning\, 16 of our聽students with RAs Abby and Patrick embarked on an overnight trip to visit Vienna\, explore the city and\, of course\, the amazing Christmas markets. \n\nWe arrived to Vienna around 12 noon on Saturday to beautiful blue skies and sun shining down on the wonderful Austrian capital. We quickly dropped our bags at the hotel and hustled off to Rathausplatz for ice-skating and shopping at the Christmas market. The students had a blast flying around on the ice\, shopping for gifts and souvenirs\, and indulging in some of the sweet holiday treats found at any number of the impressive stands in the plaza.聽 \n\nLater that evening\, we headed off to the famous Prater Amusement Park for a group dinner and more fun adventures. The students were in awe as they sat for dinner inside the aptly-named Roller Coaster Restaurant聽watching the food and drinks literally transport itself along the intricate rail system inside the establishment all the way from the robot-operated kitchen to the table.聽 \n\nAfter a delicious dinner the kids set out to enjoy the rides and attractions filling the park grounds. Some of the group took in a magnificent panorama view of the city atop the tower ride while others bravely entered the house of horrors or rode rollercoasters on the cool December night.聽 \n\nOn Sunday morning the adventures continued as we travelled over to Stephensplatz where the students spent a bit of time on their own checking out the gorgeous architecture and numerous cafes and chocolate shops. Then we entered the Time Travel Vienna tour where we experienced a virtual\, interactive\, 4D historical journey of Vienna through the Dark Ages to the present day. We heard from Kaiser Franz Joseph\, Mozart\, Sissy\, and a plethora of other revered Viennese legends as we learned about the city.聽 \n\nIn the afternoon we sluggishly arrived at the train station with bags in hand\, tired but with big smiles on our faces\, ready to return to Salzburg for some much-needed rest from all the festivities.聽 \n\n聽 URL:/event/final-examinations/ CATEGORIES:Academic Calendar ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/IMG_9160-copy.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Vienna:20250529T080000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Vienna:20250530T170000 DTSTAMP:20250314T081815 CREATED:20230302T075200Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241029T133620Z UID:21244-1748505600-1748624400@www.51黑料.at SUMMARY:Departures for High School Students DESCRIPTION:Written by R.A. Patrick \nEarly Saturday morning\, 16 of our聽students with RAs Abby and Patrick embarked on an overnight trip to visit Vienna\, explore the city and\, of course\, the amazing Christmas markets. \n\nWe arrived to Vienna around 12 noon on Saturday to beautiful blue skies and sun shining down on the wonderful Austrian capital. We quickly dropped our bags at the hotel and hustled off to Rathausplatz for ice-skating and shopping at the Christmas market. The students had a blast flying around on the ice\, shopping for gifts and souvenirs\, and indulging in some of the sweet holiday treats found at any number of the impressive stands in the plaza.聽 \n\nLater that evening\, we headed off to the famous Prater Amusement Park for a group dinner and more fun adventures. The students were in awe as they sat for dinner inside the aptly-named Roller Coaster Restaurant聽watching the food and drinks literally transport itself along the intricate rail system inside the establishment all the way from the robot-operated kitchen to the table.聽 \n\nAfter a delicious dinner the kids set out to enjoy the rides and attractions filling the park grounds. Some of the group took in a magnificent panorama view of the city atop the tower ride while others bravely entered the house of horrors or rode rollercoasters on the cool December night.聽 \n\nOn Sunday morning the adventures continued as we travelled over to Stephensplatz where the students spent a bit of time on their own checking out the gorgeous architecture and numerous cafes and chocolate shops. Then we entered the Time Travel Vienna tour where we experienced a virtual\, interactive\, 4D historical journey of Vienna through the Dark Ages to the present day. We heard from Kaiser Franz Joseph\, Mozart\, Sissy\, and a plethora of other revered Viennese legends as we learned about the city.聽 \n\nIn the afternoon we sluggishly arrived at the train station with bags in hand\, tired but with big smiles on our faces\, ready to return to Salzburg for some much-needed rest from all the festivities.聽 \n\n聽 URL:/event/departures-for-high-school-students-2/ CATEGORIES:Academic Calendar ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/IMG_7428-scaled-e1677743962619.jpg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR